Elderhomeshare has been set up in Dublin, Ireland by Saoirse Sheridan, who, having been given notice to move out of her long term rented accommodation was wondering how she would be able to manage paying Dublin rents. Having gone back to study business as a mature student and started a job bridge internship she had to come up with a solution. As someone who likes living in a quite tidy home and enjoys the company of older people, she came up with the idea of Elderhomeshare. She worked with a network of skilled professionals to make her idea come to life and is delighted to be hitting the street with this service.

Elder Home Share is Dublin's first home share scheme and has been successfully matching up elderly home owners with compatible home share companions since January 2016.
Elder Home Share is committed to providing a safe and friendly service throughout Ireland, that is ethical and well considered.
We are working hard to bring Elder Home Share to Belfast in 2021 - watch this space.
Founded in 2015 by Saoirse Sheridan, a Social Entrepreneurs Ireland Awardee. As a mature student, she was struggling to find affordable accommodation. A student of Entrepreneurship and psychotherapy and having grown up with her own much-loved grandmother in the home, the idea for Elder Home Share took shape. It was not long before she was up and running and also living as a home share companion herself. This experience drives her passion and insight into bringing Elder Home Share to her clients nationwide, in a safe, reliable and affordable way. Our promise is to ensure you find the best homeshare match and feel fully supported at all times.
Company and help out the house with light tasks such as hoovering, putting out the bins and picking up a few messages from the shops. Benefits for the companion include reduced financial stress an affordable place to live in exchange for an agreed amount of help each week and a dear new friend in your life.
For families with an elderly loved one living alone the peace of mind stands out as the number one benefit along with knowing there is someone about company and support. The cost-saving reality of a home share solution to live-in care is a significant factor too.
If you want to learn more contact us today!

Elder Home Share placed it's 50th Home Share Companion November 2018 and is also a Social Entrepreneurs Ireland 2018 Awardee.
Saoirse Sheridan, who came up with the idea for Elder Home Share when she was given notice to move out of her rented accommodation in 2015, home shared with David for two years and celebrated his 98th birthday with him on the 18th of January 2018.
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