Home Safe Home with Elder Home Share!
I’ll get by with a little help from my home share companion With 49.5 % of Covid deaths happening in a nursing home setting Covid-19...

Independence at home for a elderly loved one
When families reach out to Elder Home Share to find out more about our how it all works, more times than not the person calling will say...

A home share love of detective series and find a dream match!
Grainne kennedy has been home sharing for a number of months now as a Elder Home Share companion to a home owner on South Side Dublin,...

Impact of loneliness on the elderly people
Ivy Hwa who is currently interning with Elder Home Share as a marketing executive went along to a speech about social isolation and...

How long does a Home Share last?
Keeping our elderly parent or loved one independent and at home for as long as possible is something our clients strive to do. With an...

Is it really time to consider a nursing home?
Elder Home Share talks to families every week who are concerned about an elderly loved one who is living alone and in need of some extra...

Why Elder Home Share makes perfect sense
This month Elder Home Share facilitated two new placements. The core reason families reach out to us to consider a home share solution...

Brain Health my home share housemate 89 has it nailed!
My Elder Home Share housemate who will be 90 this summer is quite a find. She without having consciously chosen to follows good practices...

Benefits of a Home Share Companion for the Elderly!
Today myself and David who I home shared with for two years were invited along to Ireland AM to share the benefits of having a home share...

5 reasons to home share for the elderly
Decisions around the care of our elderly parents usually come suddenly causing stress and worry, along with opening up a whole new area...