I’ll get by with a help from my home share companion
The charity Alone has received more than 14,000 calls since it opened its helpline last month, and staff and volunteers have made some...

Cocooned with You - #StayatHome
The last few weeks for all of us have been unlike any other with a whole new set of scary problems to navigate and manage with the...

Worried about an Elderly Parent Living Alone after a Fall?
If you are worried about the continuance of your elderly parent’s independence at home – maybe due to a recent fall, failing health or...

Hard work keeps us sharp ask a 95 year old!
As the Founder of Elderhomeshare, I am on the front line of meeting with lots of people in their 90's. This is giving me a clearer...

Leonor, our Elder Home Share Intern
Hello, My name is Leonor Alcaraz-Guzman and I am a rising sophomore and an intended computer science major at the University of...
My House Mate is 96 and awesome!
When did you give up smoking? I asked last night over dinner at the kitchen table '1946' he said. Wow! It's not every day you hear that...
Stale Bread & Entrepreneur
As an Entrepreneur sometimes money can be an issue, as in you have none, and rooting out enough for a cup of coffee by going through...