Home Share After Hospitable? Tell Me More
After a stay in a hospital, many elderly individuals may require additional support and care as they transition back to their homes. Home...

Side By Side Intergenerational Home Share
I just had a first-month check-in call with a new match in Cork and it has totally cheered me up. The companion shared with me that she...

Benefits of Elder Home Share
There’s no better feedback about what we do for our senior community than hearing how well the companions get along with the homeowners....

Security At Night Benefits of Home Share
According to HSE.ie falls among older people can cause life changing consequences. It is more likely for an older person to suffer...

Affordable Elder Home Share Fees
“The average charge rate for public nursing homes is €1,564 a week” claims The Irish Times. That rounds up to €75,000 a year! But is it...

Why We Love Elder Home Share
Happy Valentines everyone and especially to all our home share matches, this day can remind us how important companionship can be,...

New Year Great New Home Share Match
A few days ago I started a new match as a home share companion. As the Founder of Elder Home Share I have been home-sharing myself for...

Introducing New Home Share Companion Page
Happy Christmas season to all! In this festive time, we are trying to celebrate our home sharing community more than ever. Starting in...

Happy Home Share with you!
I have been living with Rita now for a month and it’s been a lovely experience. This is the first time I have lived with someone with...

Desperately Seeking Rita: Founder's Home Share Match
Yesterday I started a new home share match in Dublin 8 with Rita who is 90. I am delighted to be sharing with her and back in a part of...