Benefits of Elder Home Share
There’s no better feedback about what we do for our senior community than hearing how well the companions get along with the homeowners....

Elder Home Share on Ireland AM
2 years ago our founder Saoirse Sheridan and her homeshare companion David (101), took to our TV screens and spoke on Ireland AM about...

🎈101st Lockdown Birthday | Covid-19 🎈
Today my good friend David Bell turns 101, he was born in 1920 when the Spanish Flu was making its way through Europe. Now at the ripe...

Enabling Mum To Stay At Home
The Elder Home Share scheme was a godsend to our family for the last few years of our Mam's life, particularly as only one of five...

Cocooned with You - #StayatHome
The last few weeks for all of us have been unlike any other with a whole new set of scary problems to navigate and manage with the...

Worried about an Elderly Parent Living Alone after a Fall?
If you are worried about the continuance of your elderly parent’s independence at home – maybe due to a recent fall, failing health or...

Hard work keeps us sharp ask a 95 year old!
As the Founder of Elderhomeshare, I am on the front line of meeting with lots of people in their 90's. This is giving me a clearer...

Leonor, our Elder Home Share Intern
Hello, My name is Leonor Alcaraz-Guzman and I am a rising sophomore and an intended computer science major at the University of...
Stale Bread & Entrepreneur
As an Entrepreneur sometimes money can be an issue, as in you have none, and rooting out enough for a cup of coffee by going through...