Happy Birthday ElderHomeShare, 1st anniversary
Today is Elderhomeshare's 1st anniversary! This time last year I was lucky enough to start hot desking in the Fumbally Exchange as a high potential start-up. One year on I am happy to say, I am still there and still in the game.
Today is also the last day I have my super summer intern with me Leonor from Berkley University in California. We are going out for lunch to mark the occasion and for me to wish her a bon voyage. Big thanks to EUSA for their super inter programme!

For me personally, the most special piece of learning this year has been about my elderly clients, they are all about ninety.. plus some - wow.
Tomorrow I am getting the bus to Trim, in Co Meath to meet a lady who has just celebrated her 90th birthday, I'll have to bring a little something. I love that I get to meet people who are in this age bracket. My own gran lived to ninety-seven and I loved having her in my life. I'll never forget the time I was watching TV after school and she came into the living room using her walking frame. She saw Elton John singing on the telly and roared laughing nonstop for five minutes, there were tears streaming down her face - I don't think she was very impressed.
I am glad to say I have had some good times on this 1st anniversary and I can honestly say the best things in life are free. This city is full of opportunity's for entrepreneurs to get up and get going. If you know how to Google, and are linked in with social media you can actively seek out and stumble upon all sorts of great opportunities and supports. Free startup events, free computers, free hot desks, free mentors, free interns, free pizza, a free beer I've had them all.
On reaching the one year mark as a start-up, it's good to reflect on what I have learned. My strengths and my weaknesses and also have a think about where I would like to be this time next year and how I am going to get there.
Happy Birthday, Elderhomeshare! you have bought some great people, a fair share of magic, and er.. 'stress' into my life this year. Not to forget the lucky strike I had myself, teaming up with my own elderhomeshare match. Who's ninety-six and very bright, he recently said to me quote on quote 'I'd be lost without you' the feeling is mutual.
For more info call Saoirse 087 13 85 628