Stale Bread & Entrepreneur
As an Entrepreneur sometimes money can be an issue, as in you have none, and rooting out enough for a cup of coffee by going through several handbags and jacket pockets becomes an art. But success is just around the corner 'sometimes'.
Last Thursday afternoon I found myself in this dilemma, thankfully after a search, I found what I was looking for - enough money for that very important cup of happiness.
To top it off the same morning I was making myself some toast and I notice a smidgen of mould on one of the corners. Normally I would chuck it in the bin, but with funds running so low I broke it off.
'Rotten bread, no money what am I doing where am I going? I've made a terrible mistake and gone down the wrong track with my life. Time for a walk in the fresh air to clear the head.
Crossing O'Connell Bridge I got a call from The Sunday Independent looking for my thoughts on the rental crisis, they found my website online. Later that night, when I got into bed after spending some quality time with my elderhomeshare flatmate, who is 96. I got an email from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland telling me I am through to the next round of the 2016 Elevator Programme - Horai!
I know I might have to dig around for coffee money again, I'm not sure about the stale bread it will probably go straight in the bin, but its actual a lot of fun being an entrepreneur and sometimes quite glamorous :)
Elderhomeshare cross generational living, support and company at home for the elderly, win win for homeowners and tenants.